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AmiWest 2000 Press Release #9 - 25.07.2000

From:    John Zacharias
Subject: AmiWest 2000 Press Release #9
Date:    Tue, 25 Jul 2000 08:05:50 -0700 (PDT)


AmiWest 2000 Event & Seminar Schedule Posted.

The Event and Seminar schedule has been posted for AmiWest 2000.  You can
direct your browser to:

to view the event/seminar schedule.

All seminars this year are FREE.  We will have seminars on AntiGravity's
Boxer (with a working prototype), Audiolabs' Pro Station Audio, the Nova
Design product line, AEMail, and Soft-Logik's Pagestream 4.  On Saturday at
noon there will be a user group meeting conducted by the User Group Network
Kermit Woodall of Nova Design will be conducting an informal developers
meeting at AmiWest 2000 to discuss future development trends on the Amiga.
The meeting will be held during the vendor setup period between 8 pm and 9
pm on Friday evening, July 28, 2000 on the Terrace in front of the main
AmiWest exhibit hall.  Questions concerning the new Amiga SDK will be
entertained and hopefully answered during this meeting.

A special reception for vendors and developers with food and drink and 
sponsored by AmiWest will also be held during the vendor setup on Friday

Remember, AmiWest 2000 is being held on Saturday through Sunday, July
29-30, 2000 at the Holiday Inn, Sacramento NorthEast, in Sacramento, CA.
Classes and seminars will be held throughout the day on both Saturday and
Sunday with the exhibit hall being open on Saturday, July 29th from 10 A.M.
- 5 P.M and Sunday, July 30th 10 A.M.  - 4 P.M.

Admission to AmiWest 2000 is as follows:  two day ticket, $15 and One day
ticket, $10.  All tickets will be available at the door.

There will be a buffet banquet on Saturday evening, July 29th, with Bill
McEwen, President of Amiga Inc., as the guest speaker discussing the
progress made to date on the new Amigas.  Price is $35 per plate.  You must
request banquet tickets in advance but you can pay for them when you
arrive.  To request a banquet ticket you can email

You can learn more about AmiWest 2000 by visiting our web site at:

You will also be able to purchase the recently announced Software
Development Kit (SDK) for the new Amigas at AmiWest 2000.  The SDK is being
sold by several of the exhibitors at the show.  Eyetech Group Ltd.  will
also be present at the show demonstrating the their Next Generation Amiga
Development Machine coupled with a Classic A1200.  Several other developer
machines will be on display at the show,

This weekend event will again showcase the progress that IS the Amiga

Hope to see you at AmiWest 2000 on July 29-30, 2000.

John Zacharias, chairperson
AmiWest 2000 

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